cd /tmp && wget $msys && 7za x $msys && mv msys C:/
cmd /c c:/msys/msys.bat
copy following to .profile c:\msys\home\%USERNAME%
or from c:\msys\msys.bat shell just do:
mkdir /usr/local/src; mkdir /usr/local/bld
cd /tmp && wget $mingw && 7za x $mingw && mv mingw32 C:/
cd /usr/local && wget $gtk && 7za x $gtk
cd /usr/local/src && wget $sdl && tar -xvzf $sdl
cd /usr/local/src && wget $qemu && tar -xvjf $qemu
cd /usr/local/bld && wget $img && bzip2 -d $img
echo C:/mingw32 /mingw > /etc/fstab && mount
cd /usr/local/src/SDL-1.2.15 && make native
cd /usr/local/src/qemu-1.5.0
./configure \
--python=c:/Python26/python \
--target-list=i386-softmmu \
--prefix=/usr/local/bld \
--cc=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc \
--host-cc=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc \
--objcc=i686-w64-mingw32-gcc \
--extra-cflags="-I/usr/local/include" \
make install && cd /usr/local/bld
qemu-system-i386 linux-0.2.img
With the above settings, the test image works and seems pretty solid. So the possible combinations and moving pieces are as follows:
GCC Versions {4.5, 4,6, 4,7}
First I tried 4.5 which is the old MinGW product. That caused access violations, so I moved up to 4.7. This was through the Mingw-w64 project, and I picked "Ruben's" build. That seem to work pretty well, but I had read about some others issues with instability on 4.7 and the thought that this might be too "bleeding edge". I finally settled on Ruben's Mingw-w64 build of 4.6 and all seems well.
GTK+ Versions {2.16, 2.24}
I may have been over-cautious here. I started at v2.24 for win32. This seemed to work, but I was unclear where my issues were. As I began to research GTK stability questions, I found that for win64 version 2.16 is, in may cases, considered the most stable. Choosing the side of caution, I back-reved my win32 versioin to 2.16 as well.
QEMU Version {1.4.1, 1.5.0}
Originally I had always been working on 1.4.1 thinking that it would be more stable. I got good builds, but disk-io was always very slow. After posting to the mailing list, it was revealed that slow disk-io is a known issue of 1.4.1. Under good counsel I up-reved my source tree to 1.5.0. This seems to produce good solid builds and will be where I baseline from.