Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Rita

We are safe!

Incoming lines are jammed, so phones are useless. I'm signed in to MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and Google Talk. An easy way to contact me is to just post a comment on this blog. Otherwise IM, email, or text message me to contact us. I've also set up an out of state voicemail (302) 729-0554.

I'm here with my brother and his family and they are safe as well.

Allen and Marie made it to Bryan. From Clear Lake it took about 16 hours.

Ramez and Rima and family made it out of IAH and are now safe in California. Took about 4 hours to get through checkin and security.

My parents had to fly into Hobby Thursday. They were able to make it out of Houston by staying on back roads. The trip took 6 hours and they arrived on gas vapors.

Jan and family made it out of Houston and they are safe as well.

New Orleans is flooding and Rita is heading our way.

Click here for current predictions.


  1. I updated the status of Allen and Posted the status of Rima and Ramez.

  2. Updated status of my father who was flying into hobby airport today.

  3. Updated status of father and Ramez and Rima.
