Friday, September 23, 2005

Prius Dealer Wanted!

I'm looking to buy a Prius and wanted to entertain offers In or near Houston Texas. If your far from Houston (more than 200 miles) please include delivery charges in your price.

I'm ready to get on a list if the Car can be delivered before July 2006 (and after January 1 2006). I am ready to pay any of the drive out totals listed below in cash!

Here's my offer, MSRP on 2006 Green Prius with, Side Curtian Airbags, Leather Upgrade and Floormats

Here's how it breaks down
2006 Prius$21,700*
Factory Delivery Fee$ 585
Side Curtian Airbags$ 650**
Floormats$ 186
Leather Upgrade$ 1,049


*Based on 2005 Pricing + 2%. This is historically what the increase has been.
**I'm willing to upgrade to the Smart-Key option if 3 fobs are provided (see Drive-Out Total 3 and 4).

Tax 6.25%$ 1,510
Title, Licence, Dealer Fee$ 180

Drive-Out Total(1) $25,860

$0 Deductable 7 year, 100,000 mile extended warranty (ToyotaCare)$ 985

4 year, 55,000 mile prepaid maintenance (AutoCare)$ 670

Drive-Out Total(2) $27,515
Drive-Out Total(3) = Drive-Out Total(1) replacing airbag package with smartkey package (difference of 450)$26,310*
Drive-Out Total(4) = Drive-Out Total(2) replacing airbag package with smartkey package (difference of $450)$27,965*

*Smart-Key option MUST include 3 Smart-Key fobs. Since the base model comes with 3 ignition keys, so should the upgrade!

If you want to sell a Prius for Drive-Out Total (1,2,3, or 4) then here's what I need.

  1. I must take delivery of the car between Jan 1, 2006 and June 30, 2006.
  2. I will need a detailed quote before I put any money down (at least as detailed as the one above).
  3. The ability to have my good faith deposit refunded if you fail to meet the previous 2 points or if the car is damaged and/or configured incorrectly.

If your a distant dealer, there are some other points that I would like to know about your delivery.

  1. Is the car driven to it's destination or does it ride on a truck?
  2. What happens if something is terribly wrong with the car (wrong color, dead battery, fails new car checkup)?
  3. Will Texas lemon laws still apply?

If you can come in under my bid, of course that is welcome. Contact me if you want me to buy your car.

The easiest way to contact me is to email me or post a comment to this blog (bottom of this page). Let me know if your a dealer or someone recommending a dealer. I know some dealers offer referal incentives, so you might get a few bucks off your Prius by hooking me up with your dealer.

Voicemail: (302) 729-0554 / Fax: (208) 723-6508

Dan /

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Hurricane Rita

We are safe!

Incoming lines are jammed, so phones are useless. I'm signed in to MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and Google Talk. An easy way to contact me is to just post a comment on this blog. Otherwise IM, email, or text message me to contact us. I've also set up an out of state voicemail (302) 729-0554.

I'm here with my brother and his family and they are safe as well.

Allen and Marie made it to Bryan. From Clear Lake it took about 16 hours.

Ramez and Rima and family made it out of IAH and are now safe in California. Took about 4 hours to get through checkin and security.

My parents had to fly into Hobby Thursday. They were able to make it out of Houston by staying on back roads. The trip took 6 hours and they arrived on gas vapors.

Jan and family made it out of Houston and they are safe as well.

New Orleans is flooding and Rita is heading our way.

Click here for current predictions.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Social Networking

Interesting projection on the power of social networking. For those not up on the concept, it goes something like this.

- Since I'm using gmail, google determines that I know the people on the subject line. Call this a line of connection.

- Since I read gmail, google knows that the people on the subject line write me. Call this another line of connection.

- People with lots of connections are rated *important*.

- People who connect to *important* people are considered more *important*.

Google uses this type of logic to rank their web pages, and it is theorized that they use this logic to rank people in a yet to be published gmail social hierarchy. That isn't (in my opinion) a bad thing, since people do this all the time. Consider the trust you put in a personal recommendation. Since this comes from one of your *connections* it's deemed more *important* than a random commercial or flier.

So... if google has me ranked high on it's gmail social hierarchy, it will rank the links in my emails higher in it's web page index, since it's a type of personal recommendation.

Anyway, ponder this stuff as you watch the short... gives it a bit of a deeper meaning.
